Science 52101 - Start

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Science52101 is a beginning group of experimental projects that aim for testing and studying technology, computers and general science with software and hardware tools.
It also finds alternative ways of making software, algorithms and mathematical processes.

–•– Example projects –•–

micro Dynamic Kalculator
Our first project
A Character User Interface to trace lines on the console whose coordinates are calculated by a function whose input values are given by the user.

(Akai Keisanki Library eXperiments)
An experimental library collection with mathematical and computer functions and classes. (MDK Graphics Drawing Library included)

CPU and AI Experiments
Other Science52101 technological experiments and research are coming.
Most of these are related to CPU and AI, by exploring Assembly and machine learning.

Science52101 is also building new projects related to Mathematics.
We are looking for any possibility of inovation, testing advanced mathematical topics as Number Theory and Calculus.

–•– More Science 52101 –•–

If you like our projects, we suggest checking our Projects page or testing our open souce projects on GitHub.